All 4 dogs

Project ALL 4 DOGS DOGS 4 ALL by Monica Frigerio

Tytuł naszego projektu pochodzi od frazy "Tous pour un, un pour tous" (Wszyscy za jednego, a jeden za wszystkich), słynnego motta wypowiedzianego przez bohaterów powieści Trzej muszkieterowie napisanej przez Alexandre Dumas, opublikowanej w 1844 roku. W trakcie trwania projektu wszyscy będziemy poznawać, szanować, kochać i wspierać psy - i ogólnie żywe istoty - i zdamy sobie sprawę, że psy znają, szanują, kochają i wspierają nas tak samo.
Tytuł odnosi się do tego wzajemnego wsparcia ludzi i psów.
Możemy go również odczytać jako "każda osoba ma psa, który czeka na jej opiekę, a każdy pies ma osobę, którą wspiera, a jego wsparcie jest tak cenne".

 Project plan 



Teachers introduce themselves


Partnerzy na mapie Europy



Pre-survey for students:


 We celebrate the European Day of Languages - 26th September 2023. We write the word that dogs use to bark in our own language on a common Canva presentation: 

Illustrative Cute Dog Training and Grooming Presentation by Adriana Bujag



3)  WE play the e-safety quiz on page 4


4) Students introduce themselves.

Each student writes a short introduction adding a photo/drawing of a dog they have or they like, and also a few sentences about the photo/drawing of the dog.Each school makes a collection of students' presentations on a Wakelet. All Wakelets links are uploaded to a common


 Dodatkowa aktywność Code week 

Mentimeter: "1 Word 4 Dogs": we write 1 word about dogs

Dodatkowa aktywność
25 X Dzień kundelka 

Logo contest:


The students of each school will choose 1 logo together and their teacher will upload it to Jamboard

We  will vote our favourite logo in a Google form from November 1st to November 15th.


" Dogs are different"

Students select 10 dog races.

They are divided into transnational teams ( researchers, painters, writers, editors).

We create a collaborative ebook with 10 chapters, one for each race (name, characteristics, skills, they are suitable for people who…)

Wspólna książka o rasach psów

"Dogs in Poems"

Students work in transnational teams of 3: one school writes a short poem in English about dogs, one draws, one makes a video of students saying the poem. We make a collection of poems.

Wiersz napisany przez uczniów z Serbii przeczytał Czarek Zacholski kl 3a.


" Dogs are heroes"

Students look for stories about heroic dogs in their countries: they select some of the best stories.

Students work in transnational teams: a group creates the dialogues for the stories, a group draws the scene.

They make comics



"All 4 Dogs Dogs 4 All"

Videoconference with an expert - (visit at a kennel)

Students found an International Association ALL 4 DOGS DOGS 4 ALL to raise consciousness about dealing with dogs. 

They write a motto for the Association and a decalogue of rules about living with dogs. 

Dear students,  can you think about a rule to deal with dogs?

Think about how to take care of them, of their health, how to respect and love dogs.


We will work in pairs.

A school writes a rule, the matched school draws the rule.




"Dogs teach us"

They work in teams to create educational videos which show how to deal with dogs  (how to take care of them, how to train them, interviews with owners, police dogs, and so on) students choose the topic of the videos

- Draws, paints, or crafts beautiful images of dogs to make our materials look pawsitively amazing.

Creates, paints, or makes lovely pictures of dogs to make our things look really great.


 Graphic Designer13. 
    - Draws, paints, or crafts beautiful images of dogs to make our materials look pawsitively amazing.
M. Reszko Poland SP 6 Gniezno

Then we will create an organization chart of the Association.


a) Use

to create a video for your student's role


Select "Avatars". Choose an avatar. Click on "Try this model". Record your student's voice by using the recording button (the icon of the microphone). The student will say her/his name, role in the Association, and what she/he does in the Association.

Upload the video to Youtube.


b) Log in to popplet.




Password: etwinning


Add a box (double click in the popplet) and upload the video by pasting its Youtube link. 


Deadline: March 31st




2) We will have a motto of our Association 

Each school will write a motto (a short sentence, a few words which are inspired by the Association aim).

Students will prepare a flyer with the motto by using Canva or another tool.

They will make a video: they show the flyer and say the motto


All the videos will be collected in a Digipad.

Username: All4dogs

Password: etwinning

Running dogs through the fields, happy and free.


 Dear partners,  we would like to celebrate the European Day of Languages 2023 with this nice presentation. 

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